Thaxted Tennis Club held its summer tournament finals and reopening of the courts on Sunday 10th September. Essex Tennis supported the successful loan application for relaying 2 courts and replacing all fencing through our Advantage Essex Loan Scheme. Representatives of Essex Tennis were invited to join the celebrations and see some tennis. A celebratory barbeque and a wonderful afternoon was enjoyed by all. A plaque was unveiled acknowledging those who have made the new courts possible. Representing Essex Tennis were Richard Lehman President and Wendy Taylor, Essex Tennis Council.
Pictured unveiling the plaque are Alex Yeldham Club Captain, Ann Forsyth Treasurer, Richard Lehman, Essex Tennis President Darren McLagan Vice Chairman and Trustee.
Alex Yeldham, Richard Lehman, Darren McLagan and club members
Ann Forsyth, Treasurer
Ann Forsyth and Alex Yeldham
Alex Yeldham and Darren McLagan
Mens doubles action
Darren McLagan and Andrew Antoniou Mens Doubles Winners
Alex Yeldham Mens singles winner
Jean Allwood and Gail Cornick Ladies Doubles Winners
Karen Sweeney and Andrew Antoniou Mixed Doubles winners
Ladies doubles action