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Seniors Tennis GB

Seniors Tennis GB is dedicated to promoting the game of tennis for players of all standards aged 35 years and over.
Follow the link to start competing, more information, events and results 

Seniors County Cup

The Seniors County Cup is played over two stages – a qualifying event, followed by a Finals. 

Who can play? 

There are seven events for both men and women:  

  • Women – Over 40s, Over 50s, Over 55s, Over 60s, Over 65s, Over 70s, Over 75s, Over 80s
  • Men – Over 45s, Over 50s, Over 55s, Over 60s, Over 65s, Over 70s and Over 75s 

Teams are made up of a minimum of four and a maximum of five players. 

Players are selected / nominated by their county. If you wish to be considered for selection, please contact them directly. Details of county offices can be found here. 

Current Information on Seniors County Cup 2024


Current Seniors Coordinators

Ladies: Sarah Ball         E mail: seniors@essextennis.org.uk

Men:  Selwyn Jones       E mail: seniors@essextennis.org.uk


Seniors Captains 2023/4


For enquiries relating to the Ladies Senior Teams, please contact the the ladies seniors coordinator at seniors@essextennis.org.uk
O35'sSophie Cockell
040sLivia Nightingale
050sKirsten Rutt
O55s Gillian Sanderson
O60sMel Harling
O65sSarah O'Sullivan
O70sIsabel Holmes
O75sSarah Ball



For enquiries relating to the Mens Senior Teams, please contact Selwyn Jones the Mens Seniors Coordinator on seniors@essextennis.org.uk
O35'sRichard Barham and Tom Higgins
O45sJon Lee
O50s Simon Payne
O55s Graham Quinton
O60sErnie Stoker
O65sSelwyn Jones
O70s Rick Klein
O75sSelwyn Jones
O80sTerry Stevens


Successful season for the Mens teams in the Seniors County Cup, with the Over 60s team National Champions
Read the Captains Report


Ladies Over 50’s are top of Division 2

Essex Ladies are the Ladies 50s Divisision 2 Champions ! Essex finished top above Buckinghamshire. Well played ladies over the season! Thank you to Claire Frewer, Denise Downey, Karen Francis, Shiho Maine oh and me.  A special thanks to Sarah Ball for stepping in to play for me against Herts when I was injured. Champions. Division 1 here we come in 2025!!