Policies, Procedures and Safeguarding
Essex Tennis have implemented a number of Policies and Procedures which are intended to enhance the game of tennis and give protection and security to tennis providers, coaches and both adult and junior players. If you have a concern the documents below should give you all the information you will require. However if you need to speak to someone on a personal level in the first instance please contact the Safeguarding and Welfare Officer at your club or the Essex Tennis Safeguarding Officers Joanne White at joanne@essextennis.org.uk and Mike Jones at mikejones@essexennis.org.uk Joanne and Mike are responsible for assisting the LTA Safeguarding Team in providing advice and support to Welfare Officers at Essex registered venues.
LTA London and South East Safeguarding Officer: Stuart Parsons
Please use this form to report a safeguarding issue to the LTA or by e mail at safeguarding@lta.org.uk
In an emergency and/or if you are concerned that someone is at immediate risk of harm, please call the police without delay on 999.
For more information about safeguarding, please visit the following links:

Essex Tennis Policies and Procedures
Safeguarding Policy October 23
Safeguarding Policy Statement October 23
Online Safety and Communications Policy October 23
Photography and Filming Guidance October 23
Unsupervised Child Policy April 24
Anti Bullying Policy October 23
Safe Recruitment Policy October 23
Complaints and Appeals Process
Anti Doping and Corruption Policy v1.0-004 June 24
GDPR External Privacy Policy v 2.0 May 22